The Keithsburg Chronicles

List of All Names

Current names or nicknames, or married names are used throughout this page. Please note that a lot of these people lived throughout Mercer County, and some of them are the ancestors of people who lived there. In the case of the Hodgsons, they mostly lived in New Boston, rather than Keithsburg,  in Mercer County. 

I am adding them as I go, so please be patient. Correct me often!

Anderson, Charles
Anderson, Joe

Atkinson, Ireta (Brown, Anderson)

Brown, Dale
Brown, Darlene
Brown, Dwight
Brown, Earl
Brown, Jetta
Brown, Retta

Carr, Agnes
Carr, Charlotte
Carr, Elizabeth
Carr, Mary Ann
Carr, William, Sr.
Carr, William, Jr.

Dillon, Daniel
Patience Dillon

Frick, Amanda (Gray)
Frick, Charles P.

Gray, Hattie
Gray, James Sr.
Gray, Oliver
Gray, Rebecca (McGinnis)

Hodgson, Amos
Hodgson, Carrie
Hodgson, Edward
Hodgson, George
Hodgson, Carrie
Hodgson, Edith
Hodgson, Floyd
Hodgson, John
Hodgson, Marietta
Hodgson, Mary (Mills)
Hodgson, Minnie Maud
Hodgson, Thomas
Hodgson, William

Jackson, Elizabeth

Jones, Bill
Jones, Dale
Jones, Jim
Jones, Kay
Jones, Nick

McClure, George
McClure, Martha (Gray)

Pratt, John

Stevens, Hattie (née Gray, Brown)

Swank, Bill
Swank, Don
Swank, Ollie (Hap)
Swank, Roy
Swank, Ruth

Waters, Ava